

Mailing List
Milestones of the Month
News Releases


Mailing List

Do you want to be periodically informed of the activities and impact of CulturalRenewal.org?

If you would like to automatically receive CulturalRemewal.org news as it is updated, complete the pledge form on our Contribute to Culture page or just . . .

Thank you for your interest.

Milestones of the Month

Entries will appear sporadically until our site is officially launched.
We apologize for the delay and hope to be of service soon.
Thank you for your patience.


Wednesday, March 19, 2003


We're currently seeking an alliance with a related college or university entity to assist us in advancing our vision. Such an alliance has great potential for mutual benefits and will help expedite the launching of our renewal efforts. When this alliance is established, CulturalRenewal.org will be officially launched as complete.

We're hoping to accomplish this before our friends at CauseCollection.com officially launch their efforts and bring a good deal attention to our vision. We're honored to participate in their collaborative cause-related effort and are honored to be among their diverse selection of beneficiaries.

We're looking forward to witnessing Cultural Renewal serve its purpose.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

We're currently active in projects designed to revitalize Ground Zero and Lower Manhattan.

Although refinements continue to appear on the site, technical challenges prevented us from officially launching our efforts on the internet. So, thank you for your patience while we continue our work and assemble our team as the demands of our organization grow organically.

News Releases

Entries will appear when our site is officially launched.

© 1999-2003 Cultural Renewal, All rights reserved.